PM Narendra Modi inaugurates new Nalanda University Campus in Bihar on 19th June 2024. A news all over the internet which most of us might have read about, but the question is “How many of us are actually aware about the history of the Nalanda University that once made India the most prominent knowledge centre in the world?“
It is very common practice for people to read certain news and discuss the same without having much in depth information regarding the news content. Well, if you are also someone who read the Nalanda University inauguration news but do not know much about the history, then this is the perfect article for you to know all the major things about the “Nalanda University” of Bihar and have enough information to discuss.
Nalanda University: History, Academic Excellence, Destruction, Re-establishment and more
Nalanda University is situated near Rajgir, Bihar. The university was established by the Gupta dynasty in 427 AD under the rule of emperor Kumaragupta 1. As time passed, the university flourished as a center for Buddhist scholarships and many other academic activities. It also received heavy funding from monarchs and various other rulers such as King Harsha the ruler of the Pala Empire etc.
Academic Excellence
The university was popular all over the world for its amazing academic excellence and providing knowledge on various subjects such as fine arts, medicines, mathematics, astronomy etc.
According to a report, more than 10,000 students from around the world used to come to Nalanda University to imbibe the treasure of knowledge there, 500 years before the establishment of Oxford University.
Architectural Excellence
Another major aspect for Nalanda’s popularity was its beautiful architecture. The campus was an architectural marvel that had 8 separate compounds, 10 temples, a huge number of meditation halls, classrooms etc. The lakes and Gardens that surrounded the campus added to the beauty.

Throughout the lifetime of Nalanda University, the university was invaded by three different invaders three times. The first invasion was by the Huns under the rule of Mihirakula, the second one took place during the 7th century by the Goudas and the third invasion and the most destructive one was in 1193 by the Turkish leader Muhammad Bakhtiyar Khilji. One of the major reasons behind the Turkish invasion was the search for Quran in the Nalanda University which could not be found by Bakhtiyar Khilji leading to his annoyance and invasion.

There were many other reasons for Khilji to destroying this prestigious university, such as:
- Establishing dominance in the area
- Promoting Islamic culture
- Killing Buddhist monks, etc.
The revival and the re-establishment of the Nalanda University in news all around these days. PM Narendra Modi unveiled the new campus of the university on 19th June 2024 which renews a historic educational institution that once attracted intellectuals from different corners of the world. The new campus is situated near the historic site of the original University and will be a modern sanctuary of knowledge and education that will try to bridge ancient traditions with modern trends.

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So these were some of the most important things you should know about Nalanda University, which is a source of pride for India and a key factor in making it a Vishwa Guru (world leader).