Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

Netflix Outlast: 26 survivor quotes to grasp their situation

The Outlast reality competition is like our worst nightmare coming true, where we are left in a remote jungle with a few people. However, there’s an exciting twist in this challenge: the team whose members manage to survive in this dangerous situation until the end will share a prize of $1 million.

Netflix’s Outlast Format

Let’s now thoroughly understand the format and rules of this TV series. It features a total of 16 players who are divided into 4 teams, and all of them are left in the Alaskan wilderness with very limited resources. The players participating in such an extremely tough competition are described as lone wolf survivalists.

Every game has some rules, and Outlast also has some strict rules, such as:

  • Players can only stay in the game as part of a team. They are not allowed to survive alone.
  • Participants must work together with their team for all survival-related tasks and must move forward with their team.
  • If someone wants to quit the game, they have to fire a flare gun, after which they can leave this tough challenge.

Outlast Release Date

The first season of this competition and danger-filled television series was released on Netflix on March 10, 2023.

As for Outlast season 2, its episodes will be released in two batches. The first batch on September 4, 2024, and the second on September 11, 2024.

Who Won Outlast Season 1?

Now, you must be wondering who won the previous season and who took home the prize money. In the final episode, the $1 million prize was shared among Paul Preece, Nick Radner, and Seth Lueker, who were part of the Charlie camp.

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Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

1. The tide’s taking her out. She’s drifting so far. I don’t know if she has the strength to get back.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

2. This is a life-threatening situation. I am so scared.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

3. Welcome to Outlast, the game with only one rule. “You must be part of a team in order to win.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

4. We’re fully committed to getting through this together.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

5. You can change teams at will. You may quit the game at any time by shooting a flare into the sky.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

6. I’m hungry, I’m cold, I’m done.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

7. The last team standing wins and will split the one-million-dollar prize.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

8. – That’s insane amount of money.
– It’s a life-changing amount.
– I’m gonna do anything to win.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

9. You only get one chance to show somebody what you’re about.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

10. Money can make people pretty evil. That’s the game. If you weren’t prepared, that’s not our fault.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

11. She has blacked out and went unconscious. We were no longer in the game. We were in a life-or-death situation.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

12. I’m trying to play an honest game. We won’t mess with anybody unless we get messed with first.

Outlast Season 2 Dialogues and Quotes

Images – Netflix

Season 1 Dialogues and Quotes

1. I was scrolling through Instagram one night, and I saw an advertisement that said, “Do you have what it takes to survive out here?” Four months later, I’m here.

2. Sixteen players are about to compete in a game of survival for a potential million-dollar prize.

3. I don’t really know much about this show yet. What I imagine is like an adult Hunger Games.

4. They have been dropped off in a remote part of Alaska with only the clothes on their backs and told to await further instructions.

5. Drop yourself into a remote location and just fend for yourself with people that you don’t know about. Sounds like an amazing time to me.

6. They share a willingness to endure the brutal Alaskan conditions.

7. Alaska has been my dream trip since I was a child. I hike, I hunt, I camp. I try to get as far away from people as I can, most of the time.

8. What they do not know yet is that the only way to succeed in this game will be as part of a team.

9. I’ve been a nomad for nearly 20 years. I’m single. No kids, no pets. I’m pretty much free.

10. I’m the boss. I own my own company. I’ve been my own entrepreneur since I was 22 years old. I don’t know how to take orders. I don’t know how to have a boss.

11. I’m coming out here to win. Anybody who knows me and my family knows damn well we really need this money.

12. The players have arrived in Alaska in the fall. A season of high rainfall, rapidly dropping temperatures, and increased activity from the area’s dense population of bears.

13. The players arrive with nothing. Their only source of equipment are cargo crates.

14. With the first drop in place, the game begins now.

Watch it on Netflix


We all grew up watching Bear Grylls’ ultimate survival strategy show Man vs. Wild, and we enjoyed it a lot. For those who liked watching Grylls’ show, Netflix’s reality competition series with its $1 million prize money offering is something they will enjoy watching a lot.



