Psychology In Hindi podcast by Saurabh Gandhi

Psychology In Hindi: 25 treasure why it’s my favorite podcast

Just a short while ago, I discovered a podcast called “Psychology In Hindi,” hosted by Saurabh Gandhi. Believe me, I’ve become a huge fan of this podcast and have listened to almost all the episodes. In his podcast, Saurabh talks about how to become a better and higher-value person.

If you want to know about the hard reality without any sugarcoating, which can help you improve your emotions, actions, and perceptions significantly better than others, then this podcast is exactly for you.

25 Best Episodes of Psychology In Hindi podcast by Saurabh Gandhi

1. 10 Types of People You Should Never Trust

Trust is the biggest foundation of any relationship, and without it, it is impossible to sustain any relationship. In this episode, Saurabh talks about the kind of people you cannot trust.

2. 10 Time Wasters Successful People Avoid

One thing you will notice in successful people is that they value their time greatly. This is a major factor behind their success, and in this podcast, you will learn about some things that waste your time. Consciously or unconsciously, we all engage in these activities.

3. 8 Biggest Green Flags in a Girl

You must have heard the saying that behind every successful man, there is a woman, and this is somewhat true. In this episode of Psychology In Hindi, you will learn about the traits of high-value women.

4. How to Stop Being Mediocre

You need to understand that you are not made for mediocrity and you should not live your life this way. You have to understand the difference between a mediocre and an elite person, and in this episode, you are going to learn exactly that.

5. 10 Things a Man Should Never Tolerate from Anyone… Ever!

You should always keep one thing clear about your boundaries: never give someone so much freedom that they disrespect you, manipulate you, or take advantage of you. You must always keep your standards high so that others either respect your standards or leave your life.

6. How To Stop Being Average? Reach Your Maximum Potential!

This world is full of average people, and if you remain average too, you will just become a part of the crowd. No one wants to be average, but they don’t want to change their thinking patterns, habits, and daily routines that would help them move forward. This amazing podcast episode discusses how to break this pattern.

7. How To Stop Caring What People Think of You?

If you want to achieve something great in life, you simply need to stop worrying about what people will say. “People will always say something, it’s their job to talk” – imbibe this sentence into your life.

8. How I Used Loneliness To Achieve Success? 5 Benefits Of Being A Loner.

In history, there have been many great individuals who were quite solitary in their lives and achieved significant success. I’m not saying you should abandon everyone, but if you happen to be alone for some reason, don’t let it interfere with your success.

9. Stop Making Your Life Difficult, Life is Easy.

This is a very important thing that you should understand. Whether life is easy or difficult is just a matter of your perspective. Yes, there will be times when you will have to face many difficulties, but looking at these things, considering your entire life to be difficult is wrong.

10. 6 Things High-Value People Always Do

Just like you can find patterns in the lives of mediocre and average people that keep them stuck, high-value individuals also tend to repeat certain things. This podcast on Psychology in Hindi talks about these very aspects.

11. How To Find Your Talent? Choose the Right Career and Skills.

How To Find Your Talent?

The question I’m sure everyone must have in mind, and finding its answer might seem difficult to you. But in this episode, Saurabh Gandhi talks about this very topic. Which will make it easier for you to find the answer to your question.

12. Full Leadership Guide: How To Be More Decisive and Inspire People

For those who aspire to see themselves successful in the future, this podcast is very important. Because having leadership skills is quite essential to succeed in any area of life.

13. This 1 Bad Habit Is Keeping You Poor

You should watch this episode of “Psychology In Hindi” where Saurabh Gandhi talks about one thing that makes you poor and that is consuming habit where you bring such things inside you and become like that.

14. Music Is Destroying Your Life

This episode could be quite subjective; either you’ll agree with its points or you’ll find it pointless. But the underlying logic is quite simple: the things you consume shape your perspective. If you consume a lot of music related to violence, you’ll also start feeling negativity and anxiety.

15. The Dirty Psychology of Politics

Politics is a highly sensitive and complex topic to discuss. You might have observed people around you engaging in heated arguments over it. The reason behind this is the explanation provided in this topic.

16. 13 Signs You Are Mentally Strong

This podcast can be a great way to explore your mental barriers. It discusses certain things that can help you gauge your toughness from within.

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17. Why Men & Women Think Differently

The answer to this question couldn’t be provided by even the wisest of people, but in this episode, you will get an idea of why it happens that men and women think in completely different ways.

18. Fix Your Broken Mindset in 30 Minutes

The 30-minute episode of “Psychology in Hindi” is entirely dedicated to your mindset. There will be a discussion about ways to develop a better mindset.

19. How To Set Goals The Smart Way

You must also have some goals in your life that you want to achieve. We all make goals, but there is also a way to make those goals. This episode is just about those methods.

20. The Power Of Not Reacting – Challenge Your Emotions

Many times, we overreact about certain things, and later regret it. By controlling the emotions that lead to such reactions, you can make yourself even more productive. How to do that is explained in this Psychology In Hindi podcast.

21. 5 Psychological Facts To Increase Self-Awareness

In today’s world, self-awareness is quite essential. You’ll delve deeper into this topic in this episode.

22. How To Be More Interesting – 8 Powerful Secrets

In the hustle and bustle of this worldly society, it has become quite essential for you to stand out. The only way to do this is by making yourself interesting to others. This will make things a bit easier for you to achieve in your life.

23. How To Manage Your Time – 3 Time Management Tips

In this world full of distractions, you should value your time because you will encounter many things that will demand your time. But you should know how to manage your time, as this is what has been emphasized here.

24. How I Trained Myself To Speak Intelligently (Communication Skills)

One of the most important life skills that you must master is communication. Your success, failures, and relationships are directly linked to it.

25. 7 Early Signs Of A Toxic Partner

In today’s times, you may find God by searching but finding a good partner is very difficult. And it is even more important to understand how to recognize your partner. In this podcast on Psychology in Hindi, Saurabh Gandhi has talked about signs to recognize a bad partner.

Final Words

Credit –Youtube/PsychologyInHindi

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Psychology In Hindi podcast by Saurabh Gandhi positively changes your perspective on yourself, allowing you to see and understand new things about yourself even better.


