self improvement books

Self Improvement Books: 30+ Self-help Books to Transform Yourself

There was a time when I was going through a very dark phase. I didn’t know what to do or what not to do. I didn’t have the courage or the desire to start anything. Two things helped me a lot to get out of this extremely painful situation and improve my life. The first was podcasts and the second was self improvement books.

There have been many books that have significantly helped improve my life, and it would not be wrong to say that in difficult times, they have been my best friends. Just as it is important to understand their significance, it is equally important to know which ones would be right for you to read. Stick around till the end, and you’ll find the solution to this question.

Here, we have mentioned some excellent self improvement books that can help you improve various aspects of your life, such as:

  • Productivity
  • Communication Skills
  • People Skills
  • Mastering hard work
  • Emotions
  • Personal Finance
  • Relationships
  • Mindset

In many other things as well, you can make yourself much better. You can train your mind to such an extent that it works at its full potential to make you better and successful.

1. IKIGAI : The Japanese secret to a long and happy life

A motivational and self-help book, ‘IKIGAI’ is written by Francesc Miracles and Hector Garcia. The book is about the Japanese concept that focuses on finding one’s purpose in life, by exploring and analyzing the habits, beliefs, actions and routine followed by the longest living people of the world. The book provides a practical insight about living a fulfilling life, through case studies.

Author – Hector Garcia, Francesc Miralles
Release Year – 2016
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2. Don’t Believe Everything You Think: Why Your Thinking Is The Beginning & End Of Suffering

“Don’t Believe Everything You Think”, is a book which is sure to make you question and challenge your own beliefs and thoughts, further encouraging critical thinking. The book is written by Joseph Nguyen and gives a lot of insights which can help an individual in their personal growth and self awareness.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Joseph Nguyen
Release Year – 2022
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3. The Power of Your Subconscious Mind

This is one of the most powerful self improvement books written by Joseph Murphy, that focuses on exploring the potential and impacts of one’s subconscious mind, on their lives. The book provides tips and tricks, to tackle one’s subconscious mind for their growth.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Joseph Murphy
Release Year – 1963
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4. Thinking, Fast and Slow

It is a book written by Daniel Kahneman, that focuses on human psychology. The book talks about the two fold methods of thinking and the risk of cognitive prejudices that form our decision making.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Daniel Kahneman
Release Year – 2011
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5. Chanakya Neeti

It is a book written by Chanakya that talks about the set of ideas and statements given by the ancient Indian teacher Vishnu Gupta aka Chanakya, on how to lead a good, productive and successful life.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Chanakya
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6. Who Will Cry When You Die?

It is a guide on self improvement by Robin Sharma. The book talks about practical ways to live a life of one’s dream, passion and prosperity. The book is a guide for one to lead a fulfilling life, and transform oneself.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Robin Sharma
Release Year – 1999
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7. The Alchemist

It is one of the most popular books, written by Paulo Coelho. The book is an inspiring one, that talks about the journey of a Shepherd to achieve his dream. The book majorly focuses on telling its readers, the significance of following their hearts.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Paulo Coelho
Release Year – 1988
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8. Master Your Emotions: A Practical Guide to Overcome Negativity And Better Manage Your Feelings

It is another inspirational book, written by Thibaut Meurisse. The book talks about the importance of emotional control and provides tips and tricks, to understand one’s emotions, manage feelings, build an emotional balance and become more self aware and responsible in their life.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Thibaut Meurissee
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9. Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World

“Deep Work” is written by Cal Newport and its a self improvement books. It provides a vivid view point on how one can enhance their ability to concentrate and focus on tasks, and produce effective results.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Cal Newport
Release Year – 2016
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10. The Laws of Human Nature

Another inspirational book, written by Robert Greene. The book serves as a guide to understand human behaviour and use one’s knowledge to improve their relationships, career, personal growth etc.

Self Improvement Books

Also Read – Underrated Indian YouTube Podcasters

Author – Robert Greene
Release Year – 2018
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If you’re someone who aims to be the player rather than the pawn, and wishes to be a master player from an amateur, then this self-help book by Robert Greene is a perfect pick for you. Through the book, the author provides 48 laws of power, influenced by historical examples of people, who have excelled, failed yet learnt in their lives.

Author – Robert Greene
Release Year – 1998
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12. Eat That Frog!: 21 Great Ways to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done in Less Time

It is a book that serves as a productivity guide for people, teaching them the importance of prioritizing tasks and overcoming procrastination. It provides various tips and tricks to handle difficult tasks, ultimately leading to success. The book is written by, Brain Tracy.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Brian Tracy
Release Year – 2001
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It is a book written by Richard Koch, that introduces its readers to the powerful 80/20 theory. According to the theory, 80% of our outcomes are a result of just 20% of our efforts. Understanding and applying this theory, results in effective decision making, efficient use of time and success in life.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Richard Koch
Release Year – 1997
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14. Digital Minimalism: Choosing a Focused Life in a Noisy World

It is another self improvement books, written by Cal Newport. The book is based on three major principles namely, Clutter is costly, optimization is important and intentionality is satisfying. The book provides encouragement to the readers to declutter their digital lives, and clasp solitude to improve one’s well being. The author suggests a 30 day digital declutter as the beginning for technology revaluation usage and a step towards adaptation of a healthy lifestyle.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Cal Newport
Release Year – 2019
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15. Who Moved My Cheese?: An Amazing Way to Deal with Change in Your Work and in Your Life

This is an amazing book by, Spencer Johnson that focuses on the adjustments in attitude that a person needs to make in, to fit in situations specially at work. The author affirms through the book, that although it is difficult for a person to accept the changes, yet the effects can be positive.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Spencer Johnson
Release Year – 1998
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16. The Secret

The secret is a book written by Rhonda Byrne which is based on a movie. It is a self help book, that is based on the principle of pseudoscientific law of attraction. According to this law, thought in itself alone is enough to influence one’s life circumstances.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Rhonda Byrne
Release Year – 2006
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17. Autobiography of a Yogi

It is an autobiography written by Paramahansa Yogananda. The book brings to the readers, the life of the Yogi, his interactions with the spiritual figures of the Eastern and Western world. It includes his childhood, family, meeting his guru, turning to a monk and his teachings of Kriya Yoga Meditation.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Paramahansa Yogananda
Release Year – 1946
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18. Maybe You Should Talk To Someone

It is a memoir, written by Lori Gottlieb. It highlights the power of therapy to transform one’s thinking and lifestyle, drawing examples from the author’s personal journey and experience working as a therapist. It guides the readers to understand themselves and others better.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Lori Gottlieb
Release Year – 2019
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19. Feel-Good Productivity : How to Do More of What Matters to You

It is an magical book written by Ali Abdal. Through the book the author tries to develop the connection between feeling good and being productive. According to the author, when we feel good we are more efficient and creative at our work getting success at the end.

This is one of the best self improvement books about productivity.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Ali Abdaal
Release Year – 2023
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20. Awaken the Giant within: How to Take Immediate Control of Your Mental, Emotional, Physical and Financial Life

It is a self help book providing tips and tricks to readers for personal development and to free their inner power to overcome problems and achieve success. And this book is written by Tony Robbins.

Self Improvement Books

Author – Tony Robbins
Release Year – 1991
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21. The Creative Act

This book by Rick Rubin, focuses on first self awakening and then awakening thoughts in the rest. The author explains through the book that, our past experiences form our creativity and so do the past works done by others.

Self-help  Books

Related Post – Best Episodes from Huberman Lab’s Podcast

Author – Rick Rubin
Release Year – 2023
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22. Meditations

It is a self help book written by Marcus Aurelius, that is a collection of personal writings. The book offers ideas about stoic philosophy encouraging the readers to lead a successful and content life.

Self-help  Books

Author – Marcus Aurelius
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23. Make Your Bed

Make your bed is a book written by Admiral William H. McRaven. The book talks about the importance of little things in one’s life, like making the bed in the morning. The author breaks down the book in 10 chapters, each focusing on doing little efforts, that leave a long time impact and one can achieve success through those little efforts.

Self-help  Books

Author – William H. McRaven
Release Year – 2017
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24. Build, Don’t Talk: Things You Wish You Were Taught in School

This book by the author, Raj Shamani is a guide for aspiring startup dreamers and business owners. Through the book, the author tries to give a reality check to all the business owners that life is not a bed of roses, but is full of ups and downs, and one needs to make peace with it all. He also shares some of his entrepreneurship learnings and how he started his first business.

Self-help  Books

Author – Raj Shamani
Release Year – 2022
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25. Think Like a Monk: Train Your Mind for Peace and Purpose Every Day

This book by the author Jay Shetty, is about his experience as a monk and how according to the writer, it is important for a person to adapt the Monk lifestyle to find peace, calm and stillness in life.

Self-help  Books

Author – Jay Shetty
Release Year – 2020
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26. Good Vibes, Good Life: How Self-Love Is the Key to Unlocking Your Greatness

In the list of self improvement books, It is a masterpiece written by, Vex King that highlights the importance and power of positive thinking and vibrations (vibe). The author of the book, highlights minute techniques for changing one’s mindset and explains how one can take control of their happiness and future.

Self-help  Books

Author – Vex King
Release Year – 2018
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27. Rich Dad Poor Dad : What the Rich Teach Their Kids About Money

Rich Dad Poor Dad, a book by Robert T Kiyosaki and Sharon Lechter is a financial guide. It is a book that talks about the importance of financial education, financial independence, ways to make money, ways of investment in real estate, assets etc, starting a new business and much more.

In this it is also explained what rich dads teach their children about money.

Self-help  Books

Author – Robert T. Kiyosaki, Sharon Lechter
Release Year – 1997
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28. How to Win Friends and Influence People

If you are interested in communication skills and want to improve yourself in this area, then this book is perfect for you. The author explains with many examples how you can present yourself better in front of others. This will make it difficult for people to forget you, and you can also influence others with its help.

Self-help  Books

Author – Dale Carnegie
Release Year – 1936
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29. The Psychology of Money

This is truly a masterpiece in terms of money. Just this one book can answer any question you have about finance. In it, you will learn about many things such as-

  • How do our experiences influence our money decisions?
  • Our behavior and emotional control have a greater impact on our finances compared to just financial knowledge.
  • Why is our parents’ mindset about money and investing so different from ours?

You will find many such things in this book, that will make you a wise person in this matter.

Self-help  Books

Author – Morgan Housel
Release Year – 2020
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30. The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People

It is an amazing book about productivity by, Stephen R Covey, that talks about habits which will eventually lead to success in personal and professional lives. The 7 habits discussed in the book includes:

  • Being Proactive
  • Beginning with the end in mind
  • Putting first things first
  • Thinking win-win, etc.
Self-help  Books

Author – Stephen Covey
Release Year – 1989
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31. Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

It is an one of my favourite inspirational, motivational, thought-provoking self improvement books by James Clear, sure to make a difference in your life. The book talks about the role of small changes and decisions that leave a long-lasting impact on one’s life. The book emphasis on the lesson that real changes come through little efforts and decisions and not only through motivation.

Self-help  Books

Author – James Clear
Release Year – 2018
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32. Think and Grow Rich

This is another motivational and self improvement books, written by Napoleon Hill. The book talks about, Hill’s principle of ‘Desire: The Starting Point of All Achievement’. Which means, according to the author one can grow rich and achieve all their dreams by focusing on a passionate desire, self faith, training the subconscious mind to believe in success and having a detailed plan.

Self-help  Books

Author – Napoleon Hill
Release Year – 1937
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“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one.”

George R.R. Martin

This is a very accurate and powerful quote related to books. You will find the solution to almost every problem you face in your life in some book or the other. The habit of reading is directly connected to your success, where what you consume directly impacts how big things you will achieve in your life.

Isn’t it a wonderful thing that someone spends many years writing a book, detailing all their experiences and learnings. We can absorb their years of knowledge in just a few days and become a better version of ourselves.


