“The Boy and the Heron”, is a Japanese award winning movie focusing on the life of a young boy “Mahito”, who losses his mother during a war and moves to his family’s estate, discovering a mysterious tower owned by a grey heron who leads him on a tragic journey into a world, that is shared by the living and the dead. The film is directed by, Hayao Miyazaki, a Japanese actor, filmmaker and a Manga artist. It includes Japanese movie stars, like Masaki Suda, Ko Shibasaki, Takuya Kimaru etc. Through this article ‘The Boy and the Heron Movie Dialogues‘, we bring to our readers some emotional, heart touching yet mysterious dialogues from the movie.
The Boy and the Heron Movie Dialogues and Lines
1. – Mahito….
– Mom.
– Save me.
– Mom, I’m coming.
2. Mahito, I’m going to be your new mother.
3. Every now and then, strange things happen here.
4. So many people died or got hurt.
5. The sea here is cursed….
6. You… What are you doing here? Mahito, run!
7. You see this world? There is more work to be done.
8. Alot of strange things happen in this place.
9. Your mother, she’s waiting for rescue. I’ll be your guide.
10. – What is this place?
– This world is filled with the deads.
11. A grey hair once told me that all the grey hairs are liars. So was that a truth or lie?
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Final Words
The movie has a touch of autobiographical features and focuses on the theme of creating a world without dispute, all by yourself. We are sure these dialogues must have risen a sense of curiosity in all our reader’s minds, so don’t hold back your curious minds, share this article ‘The Boy and the Heron Movie Dialogues‘ with all your friends and family, just to go enjoy the movie together.