If you’re interested in things related to serial killers, then This is the Zodiac Speaking is absolutely for you. This series revolves around the mystery that has lingered for over five decades, focusing on serial killer Arthur Leigh Allen, who is claimed to have killed more than 37 people, with five confirmed victims. So, let’s take a look at some quotes and dialogues from this terrifying and bone-chilling TV series on Netflix that will make you even more eager to watch it.
This is the Zodiac Speaking Quotes
1. I called Mr. Allen. And I’m thinking in my mind, “Okay, here we go.” “Mr. Allen, were you the Zodiac?

2. San Francisco has a killer in its midst.

3. He had this black hood on, little slits in the eyes.

4. He goes around killing people by rope, by gun, by knife. And he says, “I’m gonna call myself Zodiac.”

5. American law enforcement had never seen anything like this.

6. It turned into a public obsession. The TV shows, the books, the movie.

7. I want you to print this cipher on your front page.

8. Zodiac was different. He got away with it.

9. You don’t wanna believe the worst in someone you trust your kids with.

10. I thought, “There’s no way that that could be him.”

11. My sister and my brother’s lives were molded by him. I had no idea how much my mother kept us outta the loop.

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12. We realized we had been to all the murder sites before the murders.

13. You get people that are close to you, that can lie so easy.

14. Mr. Allen paid different attention to the girls.

15. We were determined to find out the truth.

16. I’m not good at puzzle-solving, but I don’t give up.

17. The families of the victims should know. They have to know the whole story.

18. I really thought I knew him. But I didn’t.

Watch This is the Zodiac Speaking on Netflix
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In This is the Zodiac Speaking, after nearly five decades, a family finally comes forward, revealing some secrets that will leave you even more shocked. Understanding the psychology of any serial killer is one of the toughest tasks for a person, and this unique TV series will help in understanding such things. In this show, you will discover many facts that will provide you with a new perspective on serial killers.