2073 Movie Quotes and Dialogues

2073 Film Quotes: 9 Warning-Filled Lines and Things You Need to Know

How would it feel if your freedom was taken away and you were constantly watched? How would it feel if you couldn’t even remember the things connected to your freedom and existence? Just thinking about it sends chills down our spines. The year 2073 portrays a future exactly through this lens.

2073 Story

Academy Award-winning documentary filmmaker Asif Kapadia has directed 2073 with the intention of presenting a terrifying glimpse of the future, keeping in mind the current happenings in the world. The film shows drones flying in skies that have turned orange due to burning, chaos erupting across the globe, militarized police roaming deserted streets, and many other things. But all this isn’t for the benefit of the general public, instead, it’s to keep a watch on them and suppress their voices.

In 2073, a survivor named Samantha Morton is shown, who is haunted by nightmare visions of her past, and that past vision is our present time. Kapadia has made an impressive effort to connect today’s serious issues, such as the excessive power of big tech companies, climate change, the global crisis of authoritarianism, and inequality, with the future, and he deserves praise for this vision.

Survivor Samantha Morton puts her life at risk in an attempt to fix these things and save the future of humanity.

2073 Trailer

You can watch the trailer, released on YouTube on September 2, 2024, which encapsulates the current activities happening around the world and the possible outcomes that might arise in the future.

Release Date

The 2073 documentary film was first premiered at the 81st Venice International Film Festival on September 3, 2024. You can watch it on NEON, although its release date has not been announced yet.

2073 Movie Quotes and Dialogues

1. I hope someone finds this. The event wasn’t just one thing, it was a slow creep no one said or did anything to stop them.

Image: NEON

2. It’s our memory they want to wipe out.

3. This year 72% of the world is under authoritarian rule.

4. We’re now in a democratic recession and it’s endemic in Europe, in the United States, India, Philippines.

5. Minorities silenced, the centers arrested, social media cooperative.

6. We are worth more when we are addicted, polarized and disinformed. Than if we are living breathing free citizens.

7. If you don’t have facts, you can’t have truth, without truth you can’t have trust.

8. We have faced Wars and famines and genocides, but this is bigger than any of that.

9. It’s too late for me, may not be too late for you.

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The 2073 documentary film is for every person who enjoys learning about things from different perspectives. It will make you question whether our future is really going to be like this.




