“Back in Action,” as the name suggests, signifies a return to something previously left behind. Directed by Seth Gordon, it is an American action film set to release on January 17, 2025 on Netflix. This movie serves as a literal “Back in Action” moment for actress Cameron Diaz, marking her return to Hollywood after nearly a decade since announcing her retirement in 2014. The cast also includes Jamie Foxx, Glenn Close, Kyle Chandler, Andrew Scott and others.
The plot centers around a couple, Emily and Matt, who were once CIA spies but gave up their careers for family life. However, their true identities are revealed later, pulling them back into their old lives.
Back in Action Movie Quotes and Dialogues
1. Okay, you know that I love our life. Tonight, like, something clicked. For the first time in a really long time, I felt alive again. I felt like that bit-h again.
2. – What is going on?!
– We were operatives for the CIA.
– Like Jason Bourne?
– Yeah, but we remember stuff.
3. I knew you guys were lying about something, but I never thought you were cool enough to be spies.
4. Just like old times, baby. Just like old times.
5. – You know that if I didn’t have superior inner-thigh strength, you would be dead.
– Your inner thighs saved my life.
6. – Dad, can we please get something to eat?
– You’re in luck. Right up here. Run in, grab some snacks. In and out. Bring my change back. And some M&M’s.
7. – Come on. Get in the car.
– No. Did you see what we just saw?
– Did you see what we just did?
8.- Fifteen years ago, me and your mom were nonofficial cover operatives for the CIA.
– But we went off the grid to start a family.
9. – Can you beat up all the dads in my school?
– I can beat ’em all up. Just not at the same time.
10. When your enemies find out that you’re alive, they’re gonna come after you and your kids.
11. – We’ve been compromised.
– We’re gonna fix all that.
12. I can’t believe they were spies.
13. – That was insane.
– A good insane or a bad insane?
– It was bad.
– Right. I was just checking.
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14. Is the cable broken? Is that why you boomers are out this late?
15. – Boomers?
– Yes, Karen. Boomers.
– We’re not boomers, okay? We’re Gen X, if anything.
16. Let’s get out of here.
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The movie’s trailer begins with Emily expressing how she felt a spark and alive again when they became involved in solving a case. The couple reveals to their children that they were CIA spies, prompting the younger child to compare them to Jason Bourne. The trailer highlights the couple’s action-packed scenes, showcasing their chemistry and the drama of their journey.
This movie marks the third collaboration between Jamie Foxx and Cameron Diaz. For fans of thrilling action movies, “Back in Action” promises to be a great start to the new year.
Watch Back in Action on Netflix