Mahabharata is one of the greatest Hindu epics and holds the best Lord Krishna quotes and lessons that impact people’s lives even today. Krishna and Arjuna have been the prominent characters of the Mahabharata. Shree Krishna, who is also the eighth avatar of Lord Vishnu, shared the Bhagavad Gita with Arjuna, on the battlefield while he was hesitant to fight against his own family. This article will provide its readers, an insight of the teachings and quotes of Shree Krishna to Arjuna, that made him courageous enough to face his own kin.
Impactful and Life-changing Lord Krishna Quotes
1. “The one by whom others are not agitated and who is not agitated by others, who is free from joy, envy, fear and anxiety is also dear to me.”
The text simply means do not surrender to stress and take out more time for themselves to stay connected to themselves and the almighty, leading a peaceful life.

2. “Undoubtedly, O Arjuna the mind is restless and difficult to restrain but it is subdued by any constant vigorous spiritual practice such as meditation with perseverance and detachment.”
According to the quote, it means the first step to realise any situation is to develop a clear, calm and collected mind which requires a lot of effort. It can either be done through meditation or to mentally remove yourself from the circumstance and observe it from a distance.

3. “A person is considered superior when he is impartial towards companions, friends, enemies, neutrals, haters, relatives, saints and sinners.”
Through the quote, Shree Krishna simply asks Arjuna to treat everyone as equal.

4. “Arjuna, when inertia is predominant ignorance, inactivity, carelessness and illusion arise.”
Through the quote, Shri Krishna tries to teach Arjuna to be ready to accept changes all the time and always present oneself with challenges when we feel our actions are becoming constant and lethargic.

5. “Whatever is done without faith whether it is sacrifice, charity, austerity or any other act is useless it has no value here or here after.”
Through this teaching of Lord Krishna we understand that every action requires commitment and it is important to analyse how deeply we believe in something before actually acting on it.

6. “The one who has conquered his mind is free from all sorrows and fears.”
These words by lord Krishna focus on the power of mastering one’s own mind. It signifies the importance of inner strength and self realisation, that helps us free ourselves from the continuous cycle of sorrow and fear that hinders our growth.

7. “The weak cannot forgive, the strong can. Forgiveness is an attribute of the strong.”
This saying by Shree Krishna sheds light on the power of forgiveness and explains it to be a sign of strength and not weakness.

8. “As they approach me, so I receive them. All paths, lead to me.”

9. “I am the beginning, middle and end of creation.”

10. “I am time, the destroyer of all. I have come to consume the world.”

11. “That one is dear to me who runs not after the pleasant or away from the painful, grieves not, lusts not, but lets things come and go as they happen.”

12. “Just as a reservoir is of little use when the whole countryside is flooded, scriptures are of little use to the illumined man or woman, who sees the Lord everywhere.”

13. “There are three gates to this self destructive hell : Lust, anger and greed. Renounce these three.”

14. “Pleasure from the senses, seems like nectar at first, but it is bitter as poison in the end.”

15. “I radiate heat as the sun, and I withhold, as well as send forth rain. I am immortality as well as death personified. I am the spirit as well as matter.”

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